Monday, July 30, 2007

I found a Throne for my Prince!! Will it help?

In training C, I find its much harder than with the girls. While researching the Internet for ideas, I found his throne. Its cheaper than the one I purchased but I really want it. Do you think this will encourage my little prince to go wee wee into the potty or will it make not a difference.
He sits on the potty for 2 minutes and says, "I went potty". I tell him that he didn't pee pee or pooh pooh into the potty and he claims emphatically, "YES I DID!!". What is a mother to do?
The girls were so much easier, in 2 weeks, they pee peed in the potty and doing the #2 business was harder. C only holds it until he can't anymore and then goes into his pull up.
Any suggestions would be great. I think I may have to get my prince a throne and maybe he then can be King of the Potty.
Hope you had a great weekend. I am off to accept the potty challenge once again.
Beamer 319

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