Sunday, July 15, 2007

Popcorn Can Kill YOU!!!

We went to the movies last night to see the latest Harry Potter and was eating my popcorn. It was pretty good and then my mind went to a friend of mine whose daughter died from eating popcorn. I haven't seen Nicole in about a year. Her husband was transferred to Tacoma Washington and Hailey was 9 months old.

Our church has a website for prayer requests and my husband was looking at it when he told me that he some bad news. His next words were so surreal, Nicole's daughter, Hailey died because a piece of popcorn got stuck in her throat and they nor the paramedics could get it out. I am so saddened about this. Haily was a few months shy of turning 2 years old. Nicole has 3 boys that are all boys and when Travis was about 2, she discovered that she was pregnant. She prayed for a girl. God blessed her with this beautiful baby girl and now she's gone.

Who would have thought popcorn could choke you. I know I never did. I knew it got stuck in my teeth but not in my throat. So if you have little ones, please be careful and not to feed them popcorn.

My prayers are with Nicole, Casey, Michael, Justin and Travis. I know that you are truly devastated and my heart goes out to you.

We love you!!

Beamer 319

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