Saturday, July 14, 2007

I hope they don't get naked!!

I have never received a phone call like this at work and after today I hope I never will again. I was having a wonderful day at work when my mother called to let me know that she was having problems with our stressed out hermit crabs. It seems that when they get stressed out due to lack of water, they climb out of their shells and run around shell less. She was in a panic and didn't know what to do. I told her how to prepare the water and she said that she would call me back. 20 minutes later she calls me back and the hermit crabs (Spottie and Dottie) were relaxing in the water and climbing back into their shells. A few months later they died.

That was 2 years ago. Today, my husband decided that we would try the hermit crab thing again. Instead of 2, we got 3 (Charlotte, Christie and Spongebob). We prepared the habitat and so far so good. I keep thinking about that naked phone call and my hopes are that I won't forget to keep them watered and fed. These are bigger with hand painted shells except for B's. Hers has a natural colored shell. She likes to keep it real.

The kids promise me that they will help take care of them. Our first go around with the crabs, C wasn't too thrilled. Today, he sat in a chair and watched them for about an hour and every time one moved, he got excited. You know the type of excitement that starts with a gasp, hands to face and as loud as you can say"LOOK!!!". It was that type of excitement. It was pretty cool. This time he picked a sponge bob decorated shell over a spider man painted shell. I guess he wanted to get back in touch with his first love.

As I said, I hope these crabs keep their shells on as naked hermit crabs aren't good for you and its hard to keep a straight face when your co-workers are laughing at you.

Have a great night!!

Beamer 319

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