Monday, June 4, 2007

Those People

I have been reading several blogs recently and noticed that a lot of bloggers refer to "those people". Well, at some point in time, we are all "those people". It just depends on what side of the line you are on. I consider myself to be one of those people who is an unashamed Christian. Does this mean that I am homophobic? NO. Does it mean that I think I am perfect? NO. Does it mean that I sit in judgement of you? NO.

Being a christian, first and foremost, its a sin to hate. I may not like the decisions that you make, but I won't hate you for it or impress you with guilt. I will, however, get on my knees and pray for you. I will let you know that I don't agree with you and we may have to agree to disagree. I have known gay people (both women and men) and we are/were friends. I have known women who have had abortions and remained friends with them. I didn't shun them. I loved them (in a christian sense).

So, when you go bashing those people, don't lump us together. You wouldn't want us to lump you together. Christians are people who first and foremost know that they are not perfect. We know that we are sinners. If you have ever told a lie or taken a pen from your office, this is a sin. I am a good person, a great friend, and a loving mother but I am a sinner. Being a good person doesn't get me into heaven. Believing that Christ died for us and that he is the son of God does. Developing a relationship with God by studying his word and trying to live by his word will not get me into heaven. Only God's grace will. He blesses those that bless him.

I believe that All have sinned. I Believe that Christ died on the cross for us. I confess my sin to God. When was the last time you sat down and thought about what you have said and done? Have you confessed your sins?

I am one of those people but then again so are you. We may just be on a different side of the line.

Take Care and May the blessings of God be on you!!

Beamer 319

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