Wednesday, November 14, 2007

When Acorns Attack!!!

My house has turned into a war zone thanks to the Oak trees and the falling acorns. If you like being pummeled by marble size acorns and walking on acorn marbles, then my house is the place to be.

We love the fall. The leaves change color and the air smells fresh and crisp. We don't love acorns. We have 2 huge Oak trees that shade the front of the house. Its wonderful during the summer time. But during the fall of acorns, we are now required to make a dash.

Acorns fall continuously and you can hear them hit the roof of the house. Its sounds like sleet. The front yard is covered in acorns. When you walk on them, it feels like walking on marbles or worse yet ice. As you strive to keep your balance walking to your car, it is raining acorns. Acorns falling on your head hurts. If you enjoy being pummelled by marbles, rocks and hail, then you would love the feel of the acorns.

The squirrels are smart as they travel from branch to branch avoiding the rain of acorns. I think secretly, this is their way of getting revenge on us for taking back our attic. You know how possessive squirrels can be. Last year they would peer through our bedroom window and give us that look of "You just wait!!"

My truck has dings on it caused by acorns. I don't have acorn coverage on the insurance so I guess I will have to live with acorn dings. Who would have thought acorns would be considered a deadly weapon. So beware when the acorns attack your house.

I hope you have a great night. I am off to sleep to the sound of acorns hitting my roof.

Take Care,
Beamer 319

1 comment:

Chris said...

Funniest post you've had. And it's funny 'cause it's true!