Thursday, January 3, 2008

Can you say "UH OH" in Chinese

As I took the last 1/2 hour of my lunch break to catch up on the latest news on CNN, I saw an article where the global economy has hit the U.S. A. big time. It appears that China is investing its resources in our banking and stock markets to help our economy. China is aggressively investing in the U.S. publicly held companies as well as playing in our stock market. This is a bad idea.

We are now becoming dependent on foreign countries for our economic growth. Since its less than 10% of the companies assets and they do not have stock votes, the government says its o.k. I believe this isn't good a good idea. If China invests enough in our financial situation, how can we (as Americans) be assured that China won't use it against us as a negotiating tactic?

I am not comfortable with foreigners investing in our finances or wanting to utilize a privately held coastal business where custom officials aren't allowed in.

This is the first step towards the downward spiral of dependency on foreign aide. Lets get our budget under control and be more fiscally responsible and stay the INDEPENDENT Nation that we want to be.

Beamer 319

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